I volunteer for the Jazz Ensemble at Princeton High School. I promote events, help set up / break down as needed, assist with the Jazz Parents Association fundraising, complete clerical duties, sell tickets and food for Jazz Dances and make myself available to help Mr. Grimaldi, Mr. Bonjiovi and band members where needed.

Covid-19 has put a halt to many of these things – I am on standby. Mr. Grimaldi, the director is Mrs Grimaldi’s wife (you will see in on other pages, she was a former English teacher) and he is a dedicated, kind, talented & thoughtful person to work for.

NJF National Jazz Festival 2020

Princeton High School students were part of the first National Jazz Festival in Philadelphia in 2020. Band Manager Elaina Phillips did her best to assist Mr. Grimaldi and the Jazz Ensemble. Studio Band, Studio Vocals and two Combo bands from PHS competed as well. Jazz Ensemble (Scott Grimaldi, Director) in the L-2 division came in 1st Place!
Princeton Combo Ensemble (S-2) also came in 1st! Studio Band came in 2nd in the L-1 category. Gillian Scott earned the first place spot for VJ-Solo.
It was a lot of work for these talented musicians but a good time for all as well. Congratulations Jazz Ensemble and Studio Band! #ElainaRPhillips

The festival took place at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia.
Soon after, in March 2020, the Princeton Jazz Ensemble received a rating of Gold and the best trumpet section award (5 of 6 members shown above) at the NJ State Prelims! Sophia Kim received and outstanding soloist award!